Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Coming soon . . .

Welcome to the first round of The Twifestivals! It started out as a little poof of an idea, but hopefully it will be successful and gratifying to all the wonderul authors out there who work so hard at their fics. The whole point of The Twifestivals is to showcase the lesser-known but by no means lesser-quality Twislash fics out there, along their authors. With that goal in mind, the categories are being decided right now, and nominations will be open at noon on May 25 next week. But before you leave, please make sure you've read the following rules and guidelines.

  • All entries nominated in any category MUST have less than 1000 reviews. All authors nominated in any category cannot have a story with more than 1000 reviews. No exceptions.
  • All entries MUST be slash unless specifically stated otherwise. (The only category allowing non-slash is "Best Exception".)
  • All entries MUST be of the Twilight fandom. Crossovers are not allowed unless specifically stated otherwise. (The only category allowing crossovers being "Best Crossover".)
  • All entries MUST be updated within the last 3 months unless specifically stated otherwise. All authors nominated for any category must have updated a story at least once in the last 3 months.
  • For the sake of fairness, please don't vote for or nominate a story more than once per category.
  • Drabbles are allowed if they are completed and total over 5000 words.
  • When nominating a banner, you MUST include a link or the nomination will be removed.
  • All entries MUST be accessible to the public on either Fanfiction.net, Twilighted.net, or LiveJournal in order to be eligible for nomination. If I cannot find the story on any of the three, the nomination for that fic will be removed.
  • All entries must be in English.
I think that's all, but I'm sure I'll think of something else, so check back here often. Please respect all the rules in order to make this as enjoyable and easy as possible for everyone involved. I'll post the categories sometime this week so you'll be able to ask questions if you have any before actual nominations begin. If you have any questions, concerns, or if you are interested in assisting as a staff member, you can reach me at thetwifestivals@gmail.com.
Thanks for reading, and be sure to come back next week to nominate your favorites!

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